My hair style

I was tired of my long hair, so made decision to have it cut.
I think my hair style is realy cool.
It is perfect!!! Isn't it?



I came back to Japan on Tuesday the 18th of March.
When things have returned to normal, my heart went pit-a-pat.
JAL 비지니스 좌석을 큰맘먹고 탔더니
메뉴판을 주네~
메뉴도 다양하고 맛있었다.
일본에 도착! 다녀왔습니다!



Hallelujah (1994)
Short film by 16 mm
Running time:10 min

A pleasant school's sports day. Ju-Young spends his time delightfully while cheering for his team, Ju-Young suddenly has a stomachache.
Ju-Young heads for the restroom. There are no toilet paper.
Knowing not what to do, Ju-Young goes to her class room to get the toilet paper. But she sees a boy looking through a bag next to her class room. Ju-young ignores it and keeps heading to her class room. At that moment, there was a boy starring at Ju-Young which was the boy from the next class room! Ju-Young hastily escapes through the back door. The boy follows her. Ju-Young runs faster. She soon gets caught to the boy. The boy stares at her scarily with his hands covering her neck. Ju-Young trickles her eyes....but...the boy struck dumb by taking her toilet paper. Ju-Young just watches the boy going to the men's room with her toilet paper.
There is a sound of 'Hallelujah'


Alice mini dress

2008 S/S Hyona♥ Collection

Dot cotton dress

2008 S/S Hyona♥ Collection


My characters

It's a kind of expression of freedom.
You can see the expression on my face changing. huhuhu~